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Janelle Kennedy

Business Development Consultant

Business Development Strategist

I help devise, plan, and implement strategies to enhance your company’s growth and profitability. This role involves identifying potential opportunities for expansion, developing strategic partnerships, and creating plans to achieve long-term business objectives.


I empower businesses to optimize their sales processes, providing tailored strategies that drive growth and maximize revenue. My expertise lies in crafting and implementing business development opportunities that align with a company's unique goals, ensuring that teams are equipped with the skills and insights needed.




Group Sessions
(Sales Teams)

  • Deep dive into current strategies

  • Emphasize building long-term relationships over making quick sales

  • Learn how to collaborate with your referral partners

  • Identify industry specific networking groups and how to work with them

  • Teach techniques for adding value in every interaction

  • Learn how to create an emotional connection in your pitch

​*Group sessions are a minimum of 2 hours in length,   with longer time slots available upon request

1:1 Sessions
(Business Owner/Sales Person)

  • Deep dive into your business offerings

  • Define clear measurable business objectives

  • Explore strategic partnerships

  • Identify preferred communication methods for each client

  • Teach techniques for adding value in every interaction

  • Regularly review and refine your approach based on results and changing market conditions

*Packages of 4 or 6 sessions are available, each 1 hour in length with the option of meeting virtually or in-person

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